
2023-05-03 10:23:47 来源:互联网










It happened that the cat met Mr。 Fox in the woods。 She thought, "He is intelligent and well experienced, and is highly regarded in the world," so she spoke to him in a friendly manner, "Good-day, my dear Mr。 Fox。 How is it going? How are you? How are you getting by in these hard times?"

The fox, filled with arrogance, examined the cat from head to feet, and for a long time did not know whether he should give an answer。 At last he said, "Oh, you poor beard-licker, you speckled fool, you hungry mouse hunter, what are you thinking? Have you the nerve to ask how I am doing? What do you know? How many tricks do you understand?"

"I understand but one," answered the cat, modestly。

"What kind of a trick is it?" asked the fox。

"When the dogs are chasing me, I can jump into a tree and save myself。"

"Is that all?" said the fox。 "I am master of a hundred tricks, and in addition to that I have a sackful of cunning。 I feel sorry for you。 Come with me, and I will teach you how one escapes from the dogs。"

Just then a hunter came by with four dogs。 The cat jumped nimbly up a tree, and sat down at its top, where the branches and foliage pletely hid her。

"Untie your sack, Mr。 Fox, untie your sack," the cat shouted to him, but the dogs had already seized him, and were holding him fast。

"Oh, Mr。 Fox," shouted the cat。 "You and your hundred tricks are left in the lurch。 If you been able to climb like I can, you would not have lost your life。"










An old cock and a foxIt is evening。An old cock is sitting in a tree。A fox es to the tree and looks up at the cock。"Hello,Mr Cock,I have good news for you,"says the fox。"Oh"says thecock,"What good news for me?""All the animals are friends now。"says the fox。"Fine!"says the cock。"I"m very glad to know that。"Then he looks up、

"Look!A dog ia ing this way。""What?A dog?"says the fox。"Well。。。。well,I must go now。Goodbye,Mr Cock!""Wait,Mr Fox,Don"t you like dogs?"Don"t you like playing with the dog?Dogs are our friends now。""But,。。。but they may not know the news yet。"Then he runs away。"I see,I see,"says the cock。He smiles and goes to sleep





A mouse once took a bite out of a bull"s tail as he lay dozing.The bull jumped up in a rage and,with his head low to the ground,chased the mouse right across the yard.The mouse was too quick for him,however,and slipped easily into a hole in the wall.

The bull charged the wall furiously again and again,but although he bruised his head and chipped his horns,the mouse stayed safely inside his hole.After a time the bull gave up and sank down to rest again.

As soon as the bull was asleep,the little mouse crept to the mouth of the hole,pattered across the yard,bit the bull again--this time on the nose--and rushed back to safety.As the bull roared helplessly the mouse squeaked:

"It"s not always the big people who come off best.Sometimes the small ones win,you know."







A man once had four sons who never stopped quarrelling with one another.He was always telling them how much easier life would be if they worked together but they took absolutely no notice of him.One day he decided to show them what he meant.

He called all the sons together and put a tightly tied bundle of sticks on the floor in front of them.

"Can you break that?"he asked the youngest son.The boy put his knee on the bundle but though he pressed and pulled with his arms he could not bend the wood.The father asked each son in turn to try to break the bundle,but none of them could do it.

Then he untied the string and scattered the sticks.

"Now try,"he said.The boys broke the sticks easily in their hands.

"Do you see what I mean?"asked the father."if only you stand together no one can hurt you.If you all disagree the whole time and insist on going your separate ways,the first enemy you meet will be able to destroy you."

United we stand;divided we fall.









When they had walked for 2 hours, they came to a great stretch of water.


"We cannot cross," said Hansel, "I see no foot-plank, and no bridge."


"And there is also no ferry," answered Gretel, "but a white duck is swimming there. If I ask her, she will help us over." Then she cried –


"little duck, little duck, dost thou see,"


"Hansel and Gretel are waiting for thee."


"There"s never a plank, or bridge in sight,"


"take us across on thy back so white."


The duck came to them, and Hansel seated himself on its back, and told his sister to sit by him.


"No," replied Gretel, "that will be too heavy for the little duck. She shall take us across, one after the other."


The good little duck did so, and when they were once safely across and had walked for a short time, the forest seemed to be more and more familiar to them, and at length they saw from afar their father"s house.


Then they began to run, rushed into the parlor, and threw themselves round their father"s neck.


The man had not known one happy hour since he had left the children in the forest. The woman, however, was dead.


Gretel emptied her pinafore until pearls and precious stones ran about the room, and Hansel threw one handful after another out of his pocket to add to them. Then all anxiety was at an end, and they lived together in perfect happiness.


My tale is done, there runs a mouse, whosoever catches it, may make himself a big fur cap out of it.


……The End.



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